Lokator Pitching Academy


Backing up Bases

Last night after our Easter festivities I settled in to watch the last half of the Red Sox vs. Orioles.  Last year (2013) the Orioles set a number of different fielding records and were rated the best defensive team in...


Sunday at the Players Championship

After watching all four days of the Players Championship on the PGA Tour, I can't help but see more similarities between pitching and golf.  Tiger Woods closed the deal and clinched the tournament title  and I wanted to write a...


Damage Control in Pitching and Golf

Today I'm watching the final round of the Masters, my favorite day to watch golf all year.  Augusta National is the most beautiful, yet unforgiving golf course on the planet.  When golfers miss their Lokations during this tournament they are...


Sunday Night Baseball Chatter

I'm watching the Angles play the Rangers on Sunday Night Baseball this evening and Orel Hershiser talked about four keys to a good pitcher.  He said that velocity, movement, Lokation, and changing speeds are the most important factors in pitching...