Lokator Pitching Academy

"How to"

Posts tagged "softball"

Pitcher, Catcher, Coach Communication

What is the best way to communicate a game plan?  Before every series in Major League Baseball there is a meeting between all the pitchers, catchers and pitching coaches.  Usually some position players sneak in if they have played previously...


Targeting K Zones

Fastballs in the K Zone are very effective ahead in the count.  A fastball in the K Zone could be a two or four-seam chase fastball away from a hitter or a  two-seam fastball inside to the hitter.  Practice using...


Recognize Breaking Ball Movement

When commanding the breaking ball in the Go Zone it's very important for you to recognize how much it you're breaking ball moves. Some pitchers have a tighter, shorter break compared to the bigger, slower break of others.  Once you...