Lokator Pitching Academy

Over Zone

Over Zone, Lokator Pitching Target


  1. Red Represents Danger Possibility
  2. Change Planes on Consecutive Pitches
  3. Change Hitters Eye Level
  4. Aim Height of Hitter's Letters 


  1. Expose Hitters who Chase High Fastballs
  2. Make Off Speed Pitches in Go or Chase Zones More Effective
  3. Speed Up the Hitter's Bat
  4. Aim 12-6 Curveball to Finish in Go Zone


  1. Use Ahead in the Count with Fastball
  2. Climb the Ladder when Hitter has Swung at High Fastball
  3. More Effective with Higher Velocities
  4. Use in Game Situations when Facing a Slow Bat 


  1. Use with 4 Seam Fastballs
  2. Use Instead of Purpose Pitch to Weak Hitters
  3. Never for Off Speed Pitches
  4. Know Who High Ball Hitters Are