Game situations are the most diverse set of variables that differ from the bullpen to the game. Every at bat in a game will represent a new pitch sequence so ALL bullpens should be thrown with sequential planning. If you can only command one or two types of pitches in one or two Lokations, good hitters will recognize a pattern and anticipate a certain pitch in a certain Lokation. This makes timing good and batting averages increase.
Use the Lokator Bullpen App to calculate statistics and rankings for sequences you throw well, file them as your strengths, and put them in your game plan. Bullpen sequences you do not score or rank highly on can be labeled weaknesses and worked on more often in practice, file those as works in progress. You have to know your own strengths and weaknesses first when deciding how to approach each game situation.
Throw bullpens to catchers and simulate at bats in different game situations with the pre-made bullpen sequences on the Lokator Bullpen App. After catchers memorize the Lokator design they will know exactly where to put the target. Then the scorekeeper can judge hit and missed targets by where the catcher catches the ball and call situational innings from behind the mound.
Game situations to simulate in the bullpen:
- Different counts, outs, innings, and scores
- Runners on base with and without speed
- Various hitters at the plate
- Errors in the field
- Umpires with big and small strike zones
- Bunt situations
- Early, on time, or late swinging foul balls
The more imagination you use for the game situation the better. Younger pitchers seem to enjoy imagining pitching game 7 of the World Series for their favorite MLB team in the bottom of the ninth or pitching in the Little League World Series, while older pitchers can usually focus more on game strategy and recreating game scenarios.
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