One of the most obvious variables that differ from the bullpen to the game is that there is no live hitter in the box when you throw on the side. Bullpens do not simulate times when your confidence has been a little shaken and a good hitter steps in the box. Recognize what state your confidence is in, the game situation, and the hitter in the box.
Hot hitters or hitters who have good numbers against you can be especially troublesome for your ability to command Lokations. Players you have confidence against or are slumping can help you command Lokations. Sometimes pitchers struggle throwing inside off the plate in the Purpose Zones when a hitter is in the box. Often times younger pitchers can be intimidated by the size of the hitter in the box.
Sometimes pitchers and catchers can give hitter's more credit than they deserve during games and nibble at the corners early in the count. Maybe you are being too fine towards the edges of the plate with off speed while even or behind in the count. Whatever the situation, you need to identify and practice pitch sequences with hitters in mind.
Try to imagine different hitters you've faced in the past during side sessions. Remember sequences you used to get individual hitters out and execute them in practice as well. Build an arsenal of patterns your confident in and command Lokations in relation to the count.
Tag bullpen sequences you practice with the Lokator Bullpen App to certain hitters and file it away for safe keeping. If you know a hitter loves to swing at the first pitch fastball then practice pitching backwards or executing fastballs towards the Chase Zones 5/6 earlier in the count. Match successful sequences with faces!
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