When commanding the breaking ball in the Go Zone it's very important for you to recognize how much it you're breaking ball moves. Some pitchers have a tighter, shorter break compared to the bigger, slower break of others. Once you become familiar with the movement of your curveball, you can determine where you need to aim the ball for it to end up in a Go or Chase Zone.
For bigger breaking balls like a slow curve to hit the Go Zone, aim those pitches at the arm-side 7 or 8 Purpose Zone. Start these pitches outside of the strike-zone and let them break back to the Go Zone. For a smaller breaking ball like a slider to end in the Go Zone, start the pitch in an arm-side 9 or 10 Freeze Zone.
Strikeout breaking balls that end up in a Chase Zone or Under the 4 Zone should look like a strike to the hitter when they are making the decision to swing.
They should generally start in an arm side Freeze Zone and break to a Chase Zone or off after the batter has started to swing. This means you will generally aim in the Danger Zone for bigger breaking balls to break to the Chase Zones or Under. Aim the shorter breaking ball somewhere in the Go Zone to get the desired break towards a Chase Zone or Under.
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