Lokator Pitching Academy

Lokator Score Formula

Lokator Score Formula

Pitchers will have the opton to compete against each other in four different categories.  Two reports pitchers will be graded on use the Lokator Score to rank pitchers by bullpen or overall average. We thought we would give you the formula we used when creating this groundbreaking stat and the method behind the madness .

Every bullpen consists of 20 pitches, the 20's in the equation represent the number of steps in the sequence. 

Total pitches thrown refers to when 2, 3, or 4 retries are selected on the Bullpen Selection Screen.  If you select 4 retries and hit no Lokations during the bullpen, you would throw 80 pitches.  If you hit every Lokation then your total pitches thrown would be 20.  All other total pitch numbers will be between 20-80, but they're very rarely the same unless retries are turned off.    

We wanted to give pitchers who kept their pitch count down a higher score than those who took a number of retries to hit the Lokation. We also wanted to give pitchers a chance to make adjustments immediately and try the same pitch in the same Lokation on ensuing pitches if desired.  Retries also allow pitchers to throw longer bullpens depending on Lokations hit.  

The more Lokations you hit, the quicker you get outs, and the longer your outings.  A great aspect of pitching is it doesn't always take more pitches to have longer outings.  Efficiency is always at a premium and the Lokator Score accounts for this skill. See the pitch count blog post in the Misc section here to read about why we think pitch per inning average should be a common stat.

The Sequence Difficulty is ranked on a 1-20 scale.  20/ 20 is the easiest and 1/ 20 is the most difficult.  The most difficult bullpens will yield the highest scores much like in Olympic Diving or Gymnastics.  If you throw the easiest bullpen (The Breathing Zone) and hit 20/ 20 Lokations with no misses your score is .810, the best you can do for that sequence.  If you throw the most difficult bullpen (Big League Sequence) and do not miss a Lokation, your score will be 1.00.  The bullpens are weighted by difficulty.  


Think about your Lokator Score Average like a hitter thinks about a batting average, RBI, and home run stats combined.  The Lokator Score is the first tool our Academy is releasing to grade and promote competition among friends and teammates.  We are excited about releasing new forms of competition and statistics with the Lokator as the medium for all!

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